I recommend "Bio-bags" which are completely compostable and will not damage plumbing. You can "stuff them" into the hole in the floor after you're done.
The 13 gallon size is here:
The 3 gallon size is here:
This "system" is really simple. You can carry all of the "equipment" needed with you in a small pouch, always ready when you need to use them. Even a small purse will hold them. I can guarantee that you will praise yourself to the hilt when you are "in-extremis" awaiting to use a filthy toilet.
If you are traveling with others, you will be the most popular person on the tour bus if you have enough of a supply for other people. We always carry enough for at least 3 other people to use, and have them handy. On these trips, we have become known as "the saviors" of the tour.
We also carry enough Pepto-Bismol tabs for our co-travelers. You cannot imagine their gratitude. I have had co-travelers say that we "saved their lives." (A bit of an exaggeration...)
"Shopping list"
1. P-Mates (There is a porn site with that name...sorry)
2. Bio-degradable garbage can bags
3. Anti-septic wipes, two types, one for human use, the other for surfaces
4. Toilet paper or Kleenix packets
5. Anti-septic hand wash gel, when you are finished...
You will wear a huge smile when you are done. I guarantee it!