For number two, the solutions are not quite as obvious, but still possible.

I borrowed this method from the Boy Scouts, who use this "in the field."  It is based upon standing up and backing "into a tree." You can adjust your stance with your back against the "tree" to suit your comfort, squatting only so much as your knees permit. The restroom wall supports your back nicely, and puts much less strain on your knees.  As you back up against the bathroom wall, you simply place a bio-degradable garbage-can bag in the "open position" behind you so that you have it open and ready to accept your waste.

You can do this against almost any toilet room wall. There is no problem being away from the hole in the ground. We would expect you to have toilet paper with you, or at least little pouches of Kleenix to use to wipe yourself.

I always recommend antiseptic germ wipes to complete the job. Some are not really meant for use against the skin and may cause your skin and tissues to burn slightly, but will cause no permanent damage.  If the burning bothers you, you can used "hemorrhoid" wipes instead.

When you are finished...just close the garbage bag and stuff it down into the hole, if necessary with a foot.

If you have a particularly messy poop or diarrhea, they will be REALLY helpful.

Even if you are using Western toilets, it's great to have anti-germ wipes available to pre-clean the toilet seat.

Be sure to look up unscented disposable female wipes if you are allergic to perfumes. This applies to men also.

Or if you prefer you can use perfumed products. Make sure they are biodegradable. I would include a URL
for these but they fequently become outdated.

You can get some compostable bags here: